Ambient Loops
An ambient temperature network providing HVAC services to residential developments
Why choose an ambient loop network?
Ambient networks are supported across the industry, including in the Clean Growth Strategy and the new London Plan.
Ambient loops maintain a low temperature circuit leading to dramatic increases in system efficiencies.
The lower system temperatures often result in a smaller plant room, saving on cost and potentially increasing usable space.
Easy to install
Low temperatures allow the easier integration of low carbon heating technologies such as air or ground source heat pumps as central plant.
Featured product
The Zeroth Energy System
Designed in collaboration with leading UK developers, The Zeroth System is a solution to overcome the challenges of modern developments and meet the challenges of tightening regulations.
It also allows for greater freedom of specification that can help meet project specific design objectives and to set a development apart from others.
Case study
Church Road, Galliard Homes
The Zeroth Energy System was specified to provide an energy-efficient, low carbon heating and hot water solution for a modern urban development at Church Road.
We offer a wide range of CPD UK and CIBSE accredited CPDs covering different aspects of the design and specification of heat pumps. All CPDs can be delivered online or in person.
CPDsDimplex is here to assist you in your project with expert information. Our frequently updated and curated content library is here to break down key information, finding you the correct specifications and saving you essential time for your project.
specifier hubWe can offer hands-on face-to-face training on Dimplex products, including heat pump principles and servicing, and a course covering our Edel hot water heat pump.
Product trainingWe offer bespoke heat design solutions for your home or project and design support and guidance when specifying HVAC solutions
heat design teamVesta Development, Twinlite
The Vesta development is one of the first to benefit from the Edel hot water heat pump with full smart connectivity.
Dundonald Church
The Zeroth Energy System helps reduce carbon emissions in a niche mixed use development.
Project 80
Fully electric heat pump solution with the Edel hot water heat pump at heart helps deliver 80% carbon emission reduction for two plots of the pioneering Project 80.