Manuals & Guides
All Dimplex products come with accompanying instruction manuals or guides. If you have misplaced the manuals supplied with your product, please enter the product model number into the search bar below, choose your product and then select the 'Manuals and Guides' tab to download a copy of them.
Can't find product model number?
The product model number is located on the product model label which is attached to every product.
Panel Heaters
The product model number can usually be found on the side of the product.
Quantum Heater
The product model number can be found on the top of the unit, on the right hand side, behind the control unit.
Large Portable Products
The product model number can ususally be found on the rear of the product in the top corner.
Small Portable Products
The product model number can usually be found on the bottom of the product.
Our customer-focused team is here to help you with expert product information and can connect you to our certified partners.