modern office interior with plant wall

What is EN 14511?

on | 2 min read
EN 14511 sets out standardised performance and rating terms for air-conditioning units, heat pumps and liquid chilling packages that supply space heating or cooling. EN 14511 is used for a determination of the Coefficient of Performance (COP) that gauges the performance of a heat pump.
modern office interior with plant wall

What is the COP of a heat pump?

The Coefficient of Performance (COP), as set by EN 14511, is a ratio of the output of the heat pump against the power input in specific laboratory conditions. It is a simple indicator of the energy efficiency of a heat pump. The higher the declared COP of the heat pump, the greater the expected energy efficiency will be. To arrive at the rating, the COP is calculated from data gathered at particular temperatures of the energy source and flow. This can often result in a higher COP rating than the heat pump will achieve when installed.

The COP and heat pump selection

COP values can be certified through independent testing and a verification process. The COP value is the first likely factor to influence the selection of a heat pump. It is therefore vital that certified and tested values are provided.

The energy efficiency and resulting renewables energy contribution of a heat pump are largely determined by the correct specification of the project’s particulars. The sizing and system design will affect the energy efficiency of the system and the building itself. The COP alone is not sufficient to determine the best energy solution for a project, as it does not reflect the true conditions or the project’s energy strategy. Furthermore, a more complex analysis would be required.

Please contact our industry experts to discuss in detail which heat pump solution is most suitable for your next project. We can advise on heat pump specification that will reflect your long-term energy strategy and achieve on-site renewable targets that will help to futureproof your project.