blocks arranged that spell net zero

Pamela Bingham comments on the new Building Regulations for England

on | 1 min read
Statement by Pamela Bingham, former CEO of GDHV
climate change discussion graphic

“Today marks a key milestone in our transition to netzero by 2050 as the new English Building Regulations governing energy efficiency, ventilation and overheating come into force.

As a market leader in electrical HVAC solutions, we are proud to have been part of the conversation in creating this update for several years.

Now that the updated regulations have come into law, it signals the start of an industry transition to the electrification of heat, as we aim to decarbonise our homes.

This shift will naturally require a change to the way we heat, ventilate, and cool our homes, but there are a range of trusted solutions already being used across the UK and Europe which can aid in this transition. Understanding which solutions will be best will require collaboration across our industry to model and assess technologies and find the best way forward for our customers and end users.

More importantly, we at GDHV are ideally positioned to help, drawing on our expertise to offer guidance to our customers and our industry on what these changes may look like, and offering support in understanding new technologies.

We hope you’ll join us as we move forward into a decarbonised future, seeking to understand how our electrified solutions can help make the difference on the path to net-zero.”

To discuss how these changes may impact you, get in touch with our team.