
Updates to core Building Regulations hail the start of an energy transition

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Last week saw the introduction of new Building Regulations for England with implications for heating, ventilation and hot water use in new and existing homes. This marks the start of an energy transition as we decarbonise our homes to meet future climate targets.
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On the 15th of June 2022, an update to the Building Regulations governing energy and ventilation use within our homes took place. The aim of this update? To create a stepping stone on the transition away from fossil fuel systems toward decarbonised homes and the electrification of heat.

The changes will impact the way we build our buildings and specify HVAC solutions. We will begin to see new solutions enter the market to displace fossil fuel systems, most containing some kind of renewable technology, such as heat pumps as part of a standalone or hybrid system. We will also start discussing air quality when considering energy efficiency upgrades and see an increase in the use of mechanical ventilation systems within the housebuilding and refurbishment industries. 

In many ways, this is step one of a two-step process, culminating in the introduction of the Future Homes Standards (the overarching name given to the next update to Part L, Part F and Part O) in 2025.

If you are thinking about how these changes might impact you, get in touch to speak to a member of our team.